A Sunny Master Bedroom

Conventional wisdom states that bedrooms should be decorated in cool and calming colors, the better to unwind and fall asleep. But as with any decorating rule, one must always consider the personalities and wishes of the people who live in the room. Many people find blues and greens restful, but a blue room can make some people actually feel blue. Green, with its yellow component, is a “warmer cooler” color, but sometimes people don’t need cooling down, they need warming up.
It’s important to consider how the room will look, not only at bedtime, but also in the morning. Are you the kind of person who pops out of bed raring to go, or do you like to ease gently into the day? Do you need the kiss of the sun to help you wake up?
For this master bedroom, which doesn’t get the morning sun, the owners wanted the room to feel warm, intimate, and inviting. Blue or green was out of the question. I used various reds for the soft furnishings to add drama, passion and life but selected a yellow-orange to give the room a feeling of sunny mornings and candlelit evenings.
A smidgen of blue and white (and green) for accent.
Red adds drama, passion and life to the room while the sunny yellow visually lightens the space. The yellow is strong enough to stand up to the red, preventing the red from overwhelming the room.
Lush lined and interlined drapery add elegance, accentuates the volume of the ceilings, insulates against energy loss and helpa shut out a neighbor’s spotlight. This room without drapery had too many hard edges to feel inviting.