Blue & Yellow Guest Room

Even a small bedroom can welcome your guests. A queen size iron bed comfortably holds two adults, with nightstands and whimsical birdcage table lamps for each.
A ladder back chair in the corner provides a place to sit and remove one’s shoes. Comfort and a place to put one’s belongings are a big part of making a room feel welcoming. A ceiling fan helps cool while a selection of bedding – sheets, blanket, and comforter – provides warmth.
The vertical lines of the iron footboard, the tapes on the window blinds, and the striped drapery create the illusion of space.
The “see-thru” iron bed doesn’t stop the eye, making the room feel larger.
Living out of a suitcase is not a way to make guests feel at home. Here a hand painted chest offers plenty of space to store their belongings.